"Serving Families throughout the
United States and Foreign Countries."
Alpha Omega is an accredited, distant learning school that has recognized that a rapidly growing number of parents are accepting the challenge of educating their children at home. Students can earn a high school diploma through Alpha Omega Academy’s online academy or through print-based mail correspondence. There are several strong teaching factors working in the parents favor. Among them are:
1. Great benefits of one on one instruction.
2. The intimate understanding a parent has of his child's needs.
3. The freedom to progress as rapidly as the student masters the material.
Since 1988, Alpha Omega has provided families like yours with a flexible, affordable K-12 home school program that promotes Christian values and academic excellence. As an Alpha Omega student we include: Monthly curriculum either online or books, achievement testing, a complete and personally designed curriculum, teacher guides, grading and transcript services, as well as an accredited diploma.
Alpha Omega Independent Study has recognized that many parents desire to educate their children at home and has developed a home schooling program to assist families.
Please have a look around the site to further decide, if this is the right choice for your child. If you have any questions, please call us at 951-766-9300. We would love to hear from you and we are happy to assist you with any questions you may have.
Latest News
School Year Registration Is Open
School starts the second week of August , and we are still accepting applications for this upcoming school year.
Please download the application below:
(Be sure to have Adobe Reader, if you do not have it you may download it free here)
Once you have downloaded the application please fill it out in it's entirety and fax it to 951-487-9000 or email a scanned copy to shallalphaomega@yahoo.com
Just a reminder that we are still
accepting applications for new enrollment.
Please download the application above
and fill it out in it's entirety and fax it to:
or email a scanned copy to:
The 2021/22 school year starts on August 16th!
Our Vision
According to the scripture, children are a heritage to the Lord. As such, they require guidance, love and prayer to become thoroughly equipped men and women. Dedication, which enables a child to live a successful and fulfilled life in an uncertain world, must focus on the whole child (spirit, mind, body and emotions).
This responsibility has been given by God to parents for the provision of such training (Deut. 6:6-7). Alpha Omega School exists as a partner to provide a supportive, safe and positive environment for Christian families to home educate their most precious gifts from God, His children.
School Registration
We are now accepting applications
for the current school year!
Please download the application below and fill it out in it's entirety and fax it to:
or email a scanned copy to: shallalphaomega@yahoo.com

Tutoring Available
​We have in house tutors available to meet your child's special needs
Monday - Fridays and Occasionally Saturdays
Only $30 per hour session